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Dept. of Applied Mathematics

Department of Applied Mathematics
National Dong Hwa University is a public university located in Hualien, eastern Taiwan. In 1994, NDHU began to offer Master and Bachelor programs in Applied Mathematics. Doctoral program was introduced in 1998. The Department of Applied Mathematics at NDHU and Department of Mathematics at the National Hualien University of Education officially merged in 2010. This merger turned out to be a success due to the organizational plan worked out jointly by the faculty members of the new department. Currently, there are eighteen full-time faculty members and one fixed-term faculty member. Also, there are two contract administrative assistants and one research assistant.
The current Department of Applied Mathematics offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The undergraduate program consists of two academic divisions - Mathematical Science and Statistics. The graduate program consists of two master's programs - Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and a Ph.D. program. Our research ranges from pure mathematics, probability, statistics, operation research, numerical analysis and cryptology.
The department has ample supply of computer equipment and a rich collection of books. The curriculum is conducive to students’ development in various fields. The department strives to provide training on fundamental research and developing capabilities of mathematics, probability, statistics , and computational science. In addition to the mandatory training courses, students are encouraged to take courses in finance, management, and information science. Computational skills are crucial in our academic training. The selected languages - C/C++, R, Matlab, SAS, and Python are taught in our training courses. This combination of courses will help to develop students’ problem-solving and quantitative analysis skills.


Degree Minimum Credits Compulsory Credits Elective Credits Gen. Ed. Program Credits
  1. Undergraduate programs (Division of Mathematical Science; Division of Statistics)
    Students require a minimum of 128 credits to graduate. The 128 credits include 4 programs (1 fundamental program, 2 core programs, and 1 elective program) and 37 credits from general education.
  2. Master program (Mathematical Science; Statistics)
    • Students require a minimum of 28 credits to graduate. The 28 credits include 9 compulsory credits and 19 elective credits. The grade in each enrolled course must be B- or better.
    • (Degree Exam) The Master’s thesis (including the abstract) has to conform to the NDHU format guidelines for academic theses.
  3. PhD program
    • Students require a minimum of 24 credits to graduate. the grades must be A- or higher in half of the enrolled courses.
    • Ph.D. students need to pass the Preliminary Exam by the end of their third year of study.
    • Doctoral students need to pass their thesis proposal reviews at least 6 months before the degree exam.
    • Before degree exam, two academic papers based on the student’s research results need to be submitted to international journals, and at least one paper has to be published or accepted.
    • (Degree Exam) The PhD thesis (including an abstract) must conform to the NDHU format guidelines
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